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Poems by Catherine...


Little Girl


Broken heart

Tear-stained face

This little girl

Has fallen from Grace


Horrific thoughts

Sleepless nights

Can this little girl

Hold up the fight?


Faking a smile

Forcing a laugh

This little girl

Is on the right path


All these emotions and

Feeling alone

This little girl

Can’t survive on her own.



The Path to Recovery


I've come to a junction -

a fork in the road;

got to make a decision -

not sure where to go.


"The path of recovery" -

I'm not sure where it'll lead,

but I know, to be happy,

it's something I need.


One step, and another,

up the steep track.

Keep looking forward;

there's no turning back.


It's getting quite scary

and I question what's right,

but then I remember,

I'm fighting for my life.


I have to keep going -

keep trudging on -

challenge my demons,

and soon they'll be gone.


If it were so easy,

it wouldn't be said,

"It's like fighting a battle;

a war with your head."


I'll win my war,

and I know you can too.

Together we'll make it -

I'm here through and through.


So when you're disheartened,

or you feel all alone,

remember you're loved,

and you're not on your own.





Crawling in the Dark


I close my eyes,

Remember the past,

I never even knew

I could run so fast 


I lie awake

Staring into space

Hours later, struggling

To find my place 


I relive the past

I want to let it be

But all the memories

Come back to haunt me


Step by step

I get through the day

But when night comes

My mind’s led astray


Back in the dark

Behind the closed door

The thoughts in my head –

Almost a war


Back and forth

Left all confused

My emotions all muddled

Left broken and bruised


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