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The words on the box read: 


They say something and I don’t hear

They say it louder towards my ear.

They roll their eyes and pronounce their words

Like I’m obtuse because I haven’t heard.


Ignorance, it’s all around

I try not to bother or let it get me down.

But people don’t care, they don’t see

There are benefits to being me;


I can cut you all out, spend some time by myself

‘Listening’ to you converse whilst being left out.

Through lip read and sign I can see the whole world

Whilst still speaking English to the oblivious heard.


I was born this way, it’s a part of me,

I don’t mind too much, my world makes me happy

But your lack of thought when speaking to me

Makes me wish you could see


For just a day, how it feels to live my way.

Mental health, wow that’s even worse.

What a stigma it holds, it’s a real curse.

All people want is a time to share,

Disclose their difficulties, to people who care.


But hearing’s not there, barriers ensue

When ‘qualified professionals’ can’t talk to you!

Communication-such a simple word

But without awareness people aren’t heard



This art piece show's Zara's experiences of mental health and deafness

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