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The extracts on this page are from Naomi's journals which she kept during her illness and recovering.  Naomi found art as a valuable way of communicating her experiences of mental health.

"As well as drawing and writing in my journals to express how I'm feeling I also do a lot of crafting, like crochet or jewellery making & its great to have a break from mental health too.  I often do this post meals as a form of distraction, or when I'm needing to keep my hands busy or take my mind off hearing voices.


Its really lovely to see the things that you've made, especially when people complement on how lovely the things you've made are.


Often when you're struggling with a mental illness you feel like you can do nothing right and everything you do is wrong; Anorexia says to you that you can't be perfect and you never will reach that unattainable goal and this is only emphasised by the depression which becomes psychosis."

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